Well-Being | Riding out Chaos

IMG_4430In the past six weeks I’ve traveled to Austin, TX, Albuquerque, NM, and Pullman, WA. I’ve hosted one major work event, and I’m knocking out two more in the next two weeks. I’ve got life-changing decisions on the horizon, and I’ve had some family + personal stuff happen that has turned my world upside-down just a bit. Our only computer has been on the fritz, and I went THREE WHOLE WEEKS without a phone (even while traveling *gasp!*). My husband is up to his ears in conferences, teaching, and preparing to defend his thesis. He has been out of town for collectively 3.5 weeks since the beginning of March. And on top of all of that, I’ve been hit with waves of homesickness that has knocked me to my knees. As soon as I wake in the mornings (or in the middle of the night), the rolodex in my mind filled with stressers and anxiety begins to turn. In short, life has been chaos lately.

What’s a perfectionist to do when life presses in from all sides?

Learn to say no.

I must put my head down and focus on only what needs doing right now. I must chant to myself, “You’re a human, not a brand” over and over until it begins to sink in. I’ve had to let go of blogging for a while to keep my head above water. I’ve let the dishes and the laundry and the recycling pile up. My house has been in a perpetual state of “earthquake chic”. I started the year off with weekly yoga and gym visits, but lately my cardio has been walking to work and as many errands and meetings as are within my reach. My current favorite pastime is stress-walking while listening to podcasts.

And all of this is ok. It’s a season. It’s not forever.

But in the meantime, it’s ok to be selective. It’s ok to say no. It’s ok to set something aside for later without being a failure. I’m trying to think of it as curating my life.

And that’s what simple living is all about, right?

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